Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thank You, Amazon Reviewer!

I posted the ABNA reviews I received a couple of days ago, but I can't help but post this one again:  "Very excellent right-out of the gate.  Whether the author can maintain the pace, do the 'King Thing' plus deliver a theme that rocks your socks, remains to be seen.  But all indicators are blinking green for go.  Looks like this one could be the winner in a field that has a lot of competition."

Quite the motivator, that one.  I have no idea who that reviewer was, but if by some weird chance of fate he/she runs across this entry, I'd like to say THANK YOU.  If THE COMING doesn't make it through this round's Publishers Weekly review/scoring, that's okay...being one of the 250 people fortunate enough to have made it to the quarter-finals has provided me with the motivation to keep trying to find that agent, find that publisher, and TELL A STORY that people will enjoy! (or at least creep them out a little!)  Then, when someone asks me if I'm a writer, I can finally say, "Yes."


  1. That's such great feedback! Congrats, and I agree with you about getting into the quarter finals giving you the encouragement to keep writing. It's a bit of validation that you're going in the right direction.

    Best of luck in the next round :)

  2. Thanks, Christine! And best of luck to you in the next round, as well!
