Friday, March 30, 2012

THE COIN - Excerpt Available!

An excerpt for my upcoming horror short story titled, THE COIN, is available for reading at my web page!  Take a look!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

SOMEDAY DREAMS Slowly Moving Up...

A few months ago, I published an essay my mom had written back in 1985, titled SOMEDAY DREAMS.  Since then, I've watched its ranking at Barnes & Noble slowly rise...starting in the #400,000's, and now sitting at #86,789.  Its a very special piece of writing to me, and apparently, to others as well.  Its free, because I wanted to share it with as many people as I could...

"A passing thunderstorm and a robin's song provide a lesson on living, loving, and woman's reflection on life. "

If you haven't seen it, it's available at Barnes & Noble and Smashwords.  Take a look!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

You bought MY book? Really? THAT's COOL!!!!!

Sorry, time for me to geek out a little here.  March sales:  As of this morning, I've sold 10 books (three of THE COMING, and seven of THE MENGELE EFFECT) during March, both here in the states AND in the UK!  Not only does that mean I'm inching closer to the point where I can say I've made enough money to fill-up my Mustang (once), but even more importantly, I can say...[here comes the geeky part]...WOW!  With the endless variety of eBooks out there to purchase & read, I can't help but feel pretty darned excited that someone wanted to read one of MINE! [Okay, it's safe, the geeky part is over now...]

Here's where to find them:

Promotional Video
Barnes & Noble
Kobo Books
Diesel eBook Store

Promotional Video
Barnes & Noble
Kobo Books
Diesel eBook Store

Also, don't forget to check out my web page, where you can read excerpts for two upcoming novels, SKINNER and JEREMY, and vote or which one YOU'D like to see me finish first!

Happy Reading, and HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!!  (insert Guinness burp *here*)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

THE MENGELE EFFECT Breaks 100K Barrier Again!

Just checked - THE MENGELE EFFECT broke the "100,000 Barrier" today for the third time, and is sitting at #74,206 in the Amazon Kindle Store!  Yippee!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

2012 Read an eBook Week - Last Day!

Today (Saturday 10 March) is the last day to participate in the 2012 "Read an eBook Week".

Both of my books--THE COMING and THE MENGELE EFFECT--are available at Smashwords with coupons for 50% off!

And remember, if you don't have a Kindle, you can download their free PC reader software HERE

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Broke the 100K Barrier AGAIN!

Just checked this morning, and WOW!  THE COMING is #89,072 in the paid Kindle store at Amazon, and THE MENGELE EFFECT is #47,661!  That's a record for both!  WOO HOO!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Read an eBook Week is Here! So...Have You?

March 4-10 is "Read an eBook Week"--as part of the promotion, Smashwords is offering eBooks at reduced prices.

Both of my books--THE COMING and THE MENGELE EFFECT--are available at Smashwords with coupons for 50% off--if you haven't read an eBook this week, give mine a try!  It only lasts until March 10th, so hurry!

Also, if you don't have a Kindle, you can still download their free reader software for your computer right HERE.

Happy reading!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Read an eBook Week Starts Sunday!

Get ready to fire-up your e-readers!  The 2012 "Read an eBook Week" runs from March 4-10.  Smashwords (the company I originally published through) is offering coupons for select eBooks at reduced prices (mine included!), so click on over and take a look!  Remember, it starts this Sunday...

For more info on the 2012 Read an eBook Week, click HERE.